Chris Landry

A Day in the Life of Chris Landry – Subway Intervention

Chris Landry and Chase Lett venture out into NYC’s Subway and catch a glimpse of New Yorks talent


5 responses to “Chris Landry”

  1. Iesha Redden Avatar
    Iesha Redden

    Lol what’s up with boy in the fur hat?

  2. TheJazzy519 Avatar

    Ha Chris called a metrocard a “ticket” wow smhhhh. Lol

  3. TheJazzy519 Avatar

    Lmfaoooo that old man was funny loool

  4. TheJazzy519 Avatar

    Why were y’all so confused about the subway?? Lol it’s really simple. Lmfaooo y’all needa come to NYC more often 🙂

  5. Carlos Caldera Avatar
    Carlos Caldera

    when we going do a show together kinflok

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